The following are some helpful tips and tricks I've built into the website to
make it easier to use - I hope.

You can return to the Home Page from any page by clicking the banner at the bottom
of the page.
TIP 2 . TEAM PAGE a. In case it's not obvious, each team's name is a link to their season's schedule from the Standings page.
b. and on a Team's History list, the season and team name are links to either the related Season or Team's Schdule in that season.
(left - will display the 2019 USPORTS season standings | right - will display Acadia's 2019 season) TIP 3 . TOGGLE SCHEDULE The default order for games on a team's schedule is 'by date', you can see the same results 'by opponent' by hitting the "Opponent" label at the top of the table.
The table will update the label showing how it's ordered. You can return to 'by date' by hitting the word "Date" at the top of the table.
* - this only applies to the Regular Season schedule. Playoffs and Nationals do not change. ** - this will remain the viewing choice when using the arrows to move forward/backward. TIP 4 . TOGGLE THIs DAY Regardless of the order you choose for 'This Day in History', you can toggle to the other variant by hitting the title.
* - this will remain the viewing choice when using the arrows to move forward/backward. ======================================================================================================
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