The "Red Sea" project allows users to access UNB Hockey results by season, or seasons and by opponent. It is intended as a resource for fans and media interested in review pervious seasons. For more information on ReDSea, please contact Eric Drummie at

  • The database currently begins with 1967/68 season.
  • Only regular season, playoff and national results are 'guranteed' to be accurate.
    • Not all exhibition games are documented and/or captured in the database.


(June 9, 2023)
- added the 2022-23 season
- updated Hat Tricks, Shutouts and Coaching totals to include 2022-23 results

(May 12, 2022)
- added the 2021-22 season
- updated Hat Tricks, Shutouts and Coaching totals to include 2021-21 results

(March 15, 2020)
- added the 2019-20 season
- updated Hat Tricks, Shutouts and Coaching totals to include 2019-20 results

(July 29, 2019)
- added a Shots & Goals pages with per-period breakdowns (going back to 2003/04)
- roster pages (linked from 'A Single UNB Season') for 1968 to 2000 now have season write-ups
- even though it's not listed as an update, the 2018/19 season is also included

(April 9, 2018)
- added the 2018/19 season
- cleaned UCup titles & location references - removed the 'Streaks vs Opponents'. It wasn't very useful given the active year wasn't in the database - even though it's not listed as an update, the 2017/18 season is also included

(March 21, 2017)
- added the 2016/17 season
- cleaned up some spelling and location references

(February 7, 2017)
- changed how 'UNB vs Opponent' works by improving number of options and show choices

(April 15, 2016)
- updated Conference Record on Season pages, no reference to OTL for seasons prior to 1997/98
- fixed a 'bad' link in the coaches report that didn't linked back to the season page correctly
- added playoff games for 1979/80 and 1980/81
- updated Hat Trick report to properly find Hat Tricks when there were multiple occurances in a single game.

(March 28, 2016)
- added the 2015/16 season
- cleaned up some spelling and location references
- added a 'List Hat Tricks' button, beside List Shutouts
- added a section "UNB - Something in the Comments". You can search the comments for a text string
- updated the List of Shutouts to include this season's goalies

(March 31, 2015)
- lots of upates over the past two years, too numerious to list
- added note to 1982/83 and 1983/84 seasons on forfeits
- Windsor wasn't properly identified as an OUA-W team
- AUS Oppenents now properly sorts on Home/Visitor/Both and League vs Playoff
- unified Location references
- upated coaches results & math
- added three(3) years and now start in 1967/68 which encompasses Bill MacGillivary's career
- addded Bill and Jim Morrell to the coach's list
- added some goalies to the shutout list from the newly added seasons

(April 9, 2013)
- fixed the date of the Mar. 7th game (had Mar. 5th twice)
- under 'UNB vs Oppenents', added choice 'Other' for all other types of teams played
- updated report listing all Coaches now includes the 2012/13 season
- updated report listing all Coaches to use $year-end variable instead of static value

(March 19, 2013)
- added the 2012-13 season
- update the comment area for games at Nationals
- corrected the score to UNB-USK (Nationals at Moncton-2008) from 4-1 to 4-0.
- added shutout Report Button
- added 'Last Time' query.
- website migration facilitated a SQL POST to GET change to queries

(September 5, 2012)
- added the 2011-12 season back in April
- cleaned up backoffice process on DB username/password.
- cleaned up backoffice process determining start/end years..
- updated Coaching Page to link each Season to that page..
- created a single page showing each season's record..
- added 'Battle of the Hill' page (special AUS Oppenent report with team=STU)

(February 9, 2012)
- added the 2010-11 season last Spring
- updated some missing comments (Shutout Goalie Name, Hat Tricks, etc).
- found a few more exhibition games.
- added Forward/Backward buttons on the Seasons query so the user can search faster rather then have to return to the Form page to choose a new year.

(June 7, 2010)
- added the 2009-10 season
- added a new 'Streaks' Query which lists the Home(H), Visitor(V) and Overall(O) streaks vs each AUS Opponent (the results from Wed-Sun games will be added on the following Monday as the season progresses).

(May. 17, 2010)
- updated the Single Season query with scroll-forward/backward buttons

(Apr. 4, 2010)
- updated Season Pages to include the team's record after the last game as well as GF/GA. Previously it only showed GF/GA with the record at the bottom.
- added a 'URL Shortcut' to some queries for copy/paste into emails/blogs/web pages

(Jan. 1, 2010)
- added 4 seasons to the database (1970/71 - 1973/74)

copyright © 2013 Eric Drummie / www.vredshockey.com